Webster High Role-Play Wiki
Amanda Jones
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General Information
Full Name Amanda Rae Jones
DOB February 29, 2000
Age 13

3 (Leap Years)

Biographical Information
Birthplace Anaheim, California
Hometown San Francisco, California
Mother Christina Jones
Father Marcus Jones
Occupation Academic Prodigy
Grade 9th
Status Alive
Physical Information
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Gender Female
Height 5'4"
Other Information
Relationship Status Crushing on Bryce Gridly
Other Names None
Dorm Miramc22

Amanda Jones is an A.N.T. for her eidetic memory. She is very smart and exceptional in academics. Because of this, she is extremely intelligent and excells in everything. She attends the Z-Tech Prodigy School. Her roleplayer is Miramc22.


Amanda Rae Jones is a 14-year-old prodigy for her eidetic memory. She was born on February 29, 2000. She considers it 'good luck' that she is born on a day that is not really a day. Amanda has one brother and one sister. She is very good in math, reading, writing, science, and many other classes. She reads anything that is given to her. Amanda does not like sports or fitness, but she still remains very skinny. Many people do not like her because she talks too much and corrects people all the time. She has two older cousins named Ryan Jones and Rachel Jones, who also attend the Z-Tech Prodigy School. She has a huge significant crush on Bryce Gridly. She currently shares Dorm 101 with her best friend, Drew Gregory.

Early Life[]

Amanda was very obedient as a baby. She had shown a sign of being a prodigy at a young age. She had always remembered what to do and where to go. An example is when she had breakfast, she would come to the breakfast table the same exact time the very next day for a month. She was extremely smart as a baby, learning to speak and walk and crawl very quickly. Amanda remembers every day of her life, the only hazy day being the actual day of her birth.


Amanda is very pretty. She has blonde hair with striking blue eyes that appear to glow She is very skinny and beautiful. She was in beauty pageants when she was little. She was never meant to be in beauty pageants, as her parents found out later about her memory. They signed her up for advanced classes ammedietly. Amanda's motto is, "Brains before beauty!" Amanda is extremely hyperactive and has the capability to talk extremely quickly.




Amanda's Schedule
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:45-10:00 A.N.T. Room A.N.T. Room A.N.T. Room A.N.T. Room A.N.T. Room
10:00-10:45 Advanced Math Drama Advanced L/A Advanced S.S. Advanced Science
10:45-11:00 Drama Art P.E. Cooking Advanced L/A
11:00-12:00 Advanced Science Cooking Advanced Math Advanced Science Music
12:00-1:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:00-2:00 Music Free Time Technology Advanced Math Advanced S.S.
2:00-3:00 A.N.T. Room A.N.T. Room A.N.T. Room A.N.T. Room

A.N.T. Room

